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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » LFO Store Korg Opsix Otherworld 40 Presets and Sequences
LFO Store Korg Opsix Otherworld 40 Presets and Sequences

Korg Opsix Presets | 3.86 MB

LFO.store presents “Otherworld” bank for Korg Opsix.

Welcome to the sound world of cinematics.

The sound pack is dedicated to organic and motion sounds.

In the bank you will find: sequences, arpeggios, moving polys and pads.

The Korg Opsix is an incredible synth with amazing features and sound that never ceases to amaze and inspire.

40 presets and sequences are waiting for you and are ready to fill your compositions with new colors and inspire creativity.

Cinematic, Electronic, Ambient, create new musical worlds with
Korg Opsix and “Otherworld”

Each patch of our sound set is musical and can be immediately used in your tracks and production.

Enjoy and let the music be with you!

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 159 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Opsix, 40, otherworld, LFO, presets, and, Sequences, KORG, Store | Rating: 0.0/0
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